AIU - President’s Message

Dear students,

Having assumed the presidency of the Arab International University (AIU), I am pleased to congratulate you and to wish you success and excellence that you chose this university to pursue your studies in the specialty that you prefer, as you feel that you will excel in it and achieve the desired future.
Your University, the Arab International University (AIU) has achieved a high level of efficiency and progress on all levels and a bright beacon of science. During the past few years, it has provided its students with all the essential scientific and educational elements (efficient professors, academic advising, advanced laboratories, adequate student activities &services, scientific and cultural agreements on research and training with official and private organizations ...). Tens of hundreds of students have graduated from various disciplines for whom the University holds an annual central celebration of their graduation to remain in memory for many years.
Our University continuously seeks to implement comprehensive quality standards and spread its culture in all aspects of the educational and administrative process, thus reinforcing its position as a cultural and scientific bridge on the one hand with the scientific institutions and research centers at home and abroad on the other hand. AIU is committed to providing businesses with creative able cadre to play an important role in the development of society economically, cognitively and socially through applied science and appropriate research. The University deems itself as a complementary partner in the ongoing development and modernization of higher education in our dear country.
In conclusion, we wish our students success in their studies and be representatives of the university after their graduation with what they have learned from their professors and the scientific and moral values they have acquired as to be effective and productive members in building their homeland.





   University President             

Prof. Dr. Tamer Al Hajeh