Business Administration - Majors

Management Department

This department aims to equip students with managerial skills and knowledge on including Management functions and theories. It empowers students with human resources management skills, operations and small business management. It enables students understand organizational behavior and supports their innovation and entrepreneurial skills through practical classes that links theoretical knowledge with practical experiences.


Marketing Department

The marketing department provides students with specialized knowledge in the marketing field in addition to mastering product and price management, digital marketing, as well as understanding marketing channels and establishing brands that best suits products. It links theoretical knowledge with practical experiences through case studies and practical classes.


Auditing and Accounting Department

This department provides students with essential knowledge in accounting and its theory as well as financial statement analysis. It lets students master the accounting of government and non-for-profit organizations, cost accounting, and managerial accounting. It also equips students with auditing principles as well as international accounting standards. It supports students theoretical knowledge with accounting programs and accounting information systems.


Management Information Technology Department

Management Information Technology department is distinguished in linking managerial knowledge with computer skills. It enables students employ information systems, network design, programming languages, and internet technology in advanced managerial applications. It supports theoretical knowledge with practical experiences through lab sessions and hands-on-training.


Finance, Investment, and Banking Department

This department empowers students with the fundamentals of finance and feasibility analysis skills to enable them evaluate projects. It also enables student value financial securities and takes correct investment decisions as well as constructing investment portfolios. It also covers investment risks and international finance and enables student master the use of financial derivatives in risk management. Financial institutions, bank management, credit and lending decisions are discussed in practical classes supported with case studies.