Dr. Eng. Basem Ali

Dr. Eng. Basem Ali

01/09 /2010 (full time) Arab International University (AIU)
Main activities and responsibilities
- Building materials
- Advanced engineering materials
- Scientific supervisor of building materials laboratory
PhD in civil engineering, University of Sciences and Technology of Lille – Engineering School (polytechnic of Lille),France

1- Analyse du comportement des chaussées dans le domaine élasto-viscoplastique application à la prévision de l’orniérage (published in French) 17th French Conference of Mechanics at Troyes 2005
2- Etude du comportement mécanique des chaussées souples application à la prévision de l’orniérage (published in French) 17th French Conference of Mechanics at Troyes 2005
3- Finite Elements Study Of Rutting In Urban Pavement International Conference of Urban Engineering – Lille 2005
4- An ecological method to improve the short-term aging resistance of asphalt using Crumb Rubber International Conference of Urban Engineering – Lille 2005
5- Elasto-Viscoplastic Modeling of Flexible Pavement International Conference on Asphalt pavement (ICAP) 2008
6- Modeling of Rutting in Flexible Asphalt Pavement. International Conference on Asphalt pavement (ICAP) 2008
7-Evaluation of Urban Pavement Rutting Reparation using Finite Element Modeling
AATT 2008: 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation [27-31 May 2008]
8- Development of railway infrastructure by using slab tracks for height speed trains Technical rapport-2008
9- Mechanical testing: what to measure and why MESAT 2010 july 7, 2010

Papers published and submitted
1- Modélisation numérique de l’orniérage ; application aux voiries urbains
REGC -. Revue européenne de génie civil

2- Elasto-viscoplastic finite element analysis of the long-term behavior of flexible pavements
published at International Journal on Road Materials and Pavement Design

3- A Finite Element model for Urban Pavement Rutting: Analysis of pavement reparation methods published at ASCE http://ascelibrary.org/teo/resource/1/jtpedi/v135/i4/p235_s1?isAuthorized=no

4- Modeling of Rutting in Flexible Asphalt Pavement will be published at ASCE

5‐ Reducing the short‐term aging of asphalt by the use of hydrated lime IREM journal
http://www.praiseworthyprize.com/IREME‐latest/IREME_vol_2_n_2.html#Reducing the Short‐Term Aging of Asphalt with Hydrated Lime

6- An ecological method to improve the short-term aging resistance of asphalt using Crumb Rubber published at Arabian Journal of Geosciences http://www.springerlink.com/content/2657n8173320r101

7-Towards Improved modeling of tire loading for the analyses of flexible pavement behavior will be published at International Journal on Road Materials and Pavement Design