Dr. Serene AlDalati

Dr. Serene AlDalati



▪ Dalati, S., & Alchach, H. (2018). The effect of leader trust and knowledge sharing on staff satisfaction at work: investigation of universities in Syria. Business, Management and Education, 16(1), 190-205. https://doi.org/10.3846/bme.2018.2852

▪ Dalati, S. (2018a) ‘Measurement and Measurement Scales’, in Gómez, J. M.and Mouselli, S. (ed.) Modernizing the Academic Teaching and Research Environment. Springer International Publishing, pp. 79–96.

▪ Dalati, S. (2018b) ‘The Case of MATRE Questionnaire for Academics.pdf’, in Gómez, J. M. and Mouselli, S. (ed.) Modernizing the Academic Teaching and Research Environment. Springer International Publishing, pp. 201–216.

▪ Dalati, S. and Gomez, J. M. (2018) ‘Surveys and Questionnaires’, in Gómez, J. M. and Mouselli, S. (ed.) Modernizing Academic Teaching and Research in Business and Economics. Springer International Publishing, pp. 175–186.

▪ Romie Frederick Littrell, Gillian Warner-Soderholm, Inga Minelgaite, Yaghoub Ahmadi, Serene Dalati, Andrew Bertsch, Valentina Kuskova, (2018) "Explicit preferred leader behaviours across cultures: Instrument development and validation", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 37 Issue: 3, pp.243-257, https://doi.org/10.1108/JMD-09-2017-0294

▪ Dalati, S. (2017) Managing Change in Banking Organizations: The Case of a UK Commercial Bank. Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, Vol. 4 Issue: 1, pp. 34-56.

▪ Dalati, S., Raudeliūnienė, J. and Davidavičienė, V. (2017) Sustainable Leadership, Organizational Trust on Job Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from Higher Education Institutions in Syria. Business Management and Education vol. 15, no. (1), pp. 14–27.

▪ Dalati, S. and Al Hamwi, S. E. (2016) Sustainable development in higher education through service quality and price fairness: empirical evidence from private universities in Damascus, Syria, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 4(1): 25-38.

▪ Dalati, S. (2016) The impact of servant leadership on leadership sustainability: empirical evidence from higher education in Syrian universities, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 3(3): 269-281.

▪ Dalati, S. (2015) Leadership and Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Classical Approaches and Contemporary Contexts, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2(4): 209–219.



- From December 2008 to Present Lecturer of Management, Faculty of Business Administration, Arab International University

Duties include teaching mainly in the field of organisational behaviour, organisational theory, and strategic management, Entrepreneurial Small business management and Leadership. Duties also included head of management department work responsibilities including academic and administrative supervision of department. Academic Courses taught:

Leadership and Motivation from September 2009 – Present

Entrepreneurial Small Business from June 2010- Present

Organisation Theory from September 2012 – Present

Organisational Behaviour from February 2013 – Present 

Advanced cases in Management from February 2013 – present

Managing Change from September 2014 – Present

Marketing Channels from November 2008 to June 2010

Marketing Strategy from Feb 2009 to August 2010

International Marketing from Feb 2009 to August 2010

International management from September 2011 to September 2013  

Business Research Methods from September 2010 to February 2013

Business or sector Higher Education 

- From Sep 2010  To June 2017 Head of management and Marketing Department Responsibilities include contributing to the preparation of the course plan and modules in management department course offering including the preparation of textbooks offered in the management Department.  Responsibilities also include supervision as well as conducting team meeting with the management department Academic staffs which requires a high degree or collaboration, teamwork and synergy. Duties and responsibilities also include contributing to the hiring and selection process within the faculty of Business Administration –AIU.

- From  March 2008  to  May 2008         Project Assistant, Bangor University – School of Education Responsibilities include working as a project assistant for a project “Enhancing support for staff to engage with effective practice in students’ feedback”. In this project I was able to exercise my research skills. Responsibilities include the design of survey questionnaire distributed to a sample of Bangor University undergraduate students.

Business or sector Higher Education 

- From  March 2006  to August 2007     Teaching Assistant, Bangor University- UWB Global Responsibilities included providing first line assistance to students and staff and creating a stimulating virtual environment to students who study online as well as assisting students with any academic and technical questions.

Business or sector Higher Education.


- From August 2003 to May 2008 PhD in Behavioural Leadership, Organisational Culture and job satisfaction Bangor University- Wales, Bangor Business School

The program consisted of researching the academic areas of Managerial leadership, organisational culture and satisfaction at work.)

Research skills include survey questionnaire design, data collection and analysis

- From September 2001 to December 2002 MBA in Banking and Finance           

University of Wales, Bangor - Bangor Business School

The program covered modules of Financial Management in Retail and commercial Banking, International Banking, Financial markets, financial institution strategic management and Human resource management.