Prof. Dr. Wafika Zarzour

وفيقة زرزور

Prof. Dr. Wafika Zarzour


1971 •        Teacher of practical pharmacy in the Faculty of pharmacy –   Damascus Univ.

1988•        Assistance Professor of clinical chemistry and pathological biochemistry in   Damascus Univ. – Faculty of Pharmacy

1994 •       Associated professor of clinical biochemistry. Damascus- Univ. -  Faculty of pharmacy.

1995-2002 • Vice – dean for scientific Affaires of Faculty of pharmacy – Damascus – Univ.

1984 – 2002 • Co – editor of Journal of Syrian Clinical Laboratory Association  SCLA.

1998 •           Professor of clinical chemistry and pathological biochemistry in    Faculty of pharmacy – Damascus – Univ.

 -1989- 2005  Supervision for more than 20 Msc. and Ph.D Subjects for the post  graduate students – Faculty of pharmacy- Damascus University.

2005 – 2012   First Dean of the faulty of Pharmacy- AIU (private univ.)

2012 –          University President Consultant for pharmaceutical industry cooperation AIU

2013 –....     University President Consultant for quality control – AIU

2014 -.... .   Head of the department of Biochemistry & Microbiology – Faculty Of  pharmacy - AIU


1971    • Faculty of pharmacy – Damascus – Univ. (very good).

1982     • Diploma of laboratory – diagnostics, including subjects: clinical     chemistry, pathological chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology,     serology, hematology, physiology, statistics. (very good).

1983    • Msc. In clinical biochemistry - Faculty of pharmacy – Damascus –         Univ. In cooperation with Saarland Univ. Germany.       Subject: cholinesterase and it’s variants. (Excellent).

1987   • Ph. D of clinical Biochemistry (Damascus – Univ. in cooperation     with Univ. Saarland Germany). (Sandwich – model). . (Excellent).


1-• Zarzour W.Practical Script of pharmacognosy training students (for  II class faculty of pharmacy- Damascus Univ.) 1973

2-• Zarzour W.Practical script of pharmacognosy training students (for III class , faculty of pharmacy , Damascus Univ. ) 1974.

3-• Zarzour ., Chehab H., Pharmacognosy (Practical Part ) for II class  Faculty of pharmacy , Damascus univ. 1975.

4-• Zarzour W., Pharmacognosy . Health Institute . 1978.

5-• Jouma M. Hindawi R., Zarzour W., Rinjibal J., Clinical Chemistry.  Faculty of Pharmacy . Damascus Univ. 1994.

6-• Jouma M. Zarzour W., Pathalogical Biochemistry -1996 - Faculty of  pharmacy – Damascus University.

7- Arabic copy (translation) of Harper’s Biochemistry (with others) 2001.

8-• Zarzour Wafika .Arabic translation of : lecture notes in Molecular  Medicine .Center of Translation. (2002)

9-Prof. Dr. M. Jouma , Prof. Dr. Wafika Zarzour , Dr. Rana Joubran, Nada Dehneh, Msc. Handbook of Clinical Chemistry .  

    (2014) . Arab International University (AIU). Faculty of Pharmacy .

Scientific papers:

1• Zarzour W.,Jouma M., Ammon R., Estimation of cholinesterase and  dibucaine Number . The journal of Syrian Clinical Laboratories  (SCLA) (vol. 1 . No. 1, 35-43. 1986 )

2• Zarzour W. ,Jouma M., Heroinesterase , its relation with genetic  polymorphism of other esterases in human and rabbits. The journal  of (SCLA). (vol. 1. No. 4.July 1989 : 9-21 )

3• Zarzour W.,Jouma M., Sitzmann F., Aspirinesterase and Atropine   esterase . Journal of Damascus univ. 1989.

4- Zarzour W., Kalla G., Glucosephosphateisomerase , variants  identification by isoelectrofocusing . Journal of (SCLA). (vol.1.  No. 8. April 1993: 82- 86 ).

5• Zarzour W., Khatib R. Akhras Gh. Cystic fibrosis among Syrian  children, Biochemical and genetic study. Journal of Arab Uni. Union  for medical studies – Vol – 1, No. 2 – 1998.

6• Kateb H, Zarzour W., Shamieh M, Joma M., coronary risk factors of  angiographically assesed patients from Syria. Journal of   cariovasicular risk 5 (31 – 35) 1998.

7- Dehneh .n, Zarzour W., Joumaa M. Free fatty acids and glucose in    females with familial history of type – 2 Diabites. Arabic Journal of  pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 1, No –2, (73 – 79) 1998.

8• Jamali M, Akhras Gh. Zarzour W., Peptide C in dignostic  differentiation of diabetecs mellitus. Arabic Journal of

    pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 1, No –4, 1999.

9- Darwish N. Zarzour W., Akhras Gh, Studying the reactive   hypoglycemia in diabetics relatives. Arabic Journal of

    pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 1, No –1, (59 – 65) 1999.

10• Zarzour W., Early predictors for NIDDM Journal of Arab    universities union Vol. 2. No. 1. (47 – 54) 2001.

11• Shahrour. H, Zarzour W., Rihawi W, Assocition of hepatitis. B and    HLA class I in Syrian Population. Journal of Arab Uni. Union. Vol.   16 – No. 1- (111 – 118) 2000

12• Bakir I., Zarzour W., Hermann W. Genetic polymorphism of 5.10     methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) as risk factor for     coronary Artery disease. Arabic Journal of pharmaceutical Sciences     Vol. 1, No –9, April (41 – 49) 2001.

13• Bakir I., Zarzour W., Hermann W. Genetic and nongenetic factors     influencing plasma homocysteine levels in patients with ischemic     heart disease (Syrian Study). Damascus University Journal for the     medical sciences. Vol. 18 – No. 1 – 2002.

14• Shahrour H.,Zarzour W.,Al-Quobaili F.,Rihawi W.,HLA class I in     hepatitis C patients : A study of 349 subjects . Arabic Journal of     Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 2 ,No. 4 (61 – 64 ). 2003.

15• Khalaf I.,Zarzour W.,Othman I. Homocysteine and Chronic renal    failure . Damascus University Journal for the medical Sciences . vol.     19 – No. 2 . 2003

16-Asbah Y.,Zarzour W.,Mardini A., Association of Proinsulin and insulin     Resistance  with coronary artery diseases in Nondiabetic Men .Arabic Journal of    Pharmaceutical Sciences. (vol.2, No.6.July 2003)

17• HermannW.,Obeid R.,Shorr H.,Zarzour W., Geisel J.,Homocystein     Methyltetrahydrofolate reductase 677 polymorphism and the B –      vitamin: a facet of nature-nuture interplay. Clin.Chem.Lab med , 41      (2003), 4, (547 – 553).

18• Awad R. Zarzour W. Kabalan Y.Interleukines 6 and 8 ,its      relationship with complications of Diabetes type 2.Arabic journal of     Pharmaceutical Sciences. (vol.2.No.7.January 2004 : 33-39 )

19• Zarzour W., Kleta R., Frangoul H., Suwannarat P., Jeong A., Young      Kim S., Wayne A., Gunay-Aygun M., White J., Filipovich A., and      Gahl W. Two novel CHS1 ( LYST ) mutations: Clinical correlations      in an enfant with Chediak – Higashi syndrome. Molecular Genetics      and Metabolism , vol.85, Issue 2 , June 2005,pages 125 – 132

20- Mohammad M., Zarzour W., Polycystic ovary Syndrome (PCOs)  patients in       Syria  (2006)

21- Zarzour W., Dehneh N.,Al Istwani D., Serri R.,Alaa eddin R.,Homsi L.,      The efficacy of Achillea Falcata on diabetes  mellitus management.     Damascus University Journal for Medical Science.(2015 )

22-Nada Dehneh, Mazen Rajab , Wafika Zarzour , and  Muhidien Jouma , Profile of healthy female students in Syria :

       Investigation on anthropometric, lifestyle, and dietry characteristics, along with haematological

      and plasma biochemical parameters. Cognet Medicine (2016),3 :1180741

23-Wafika Zarzour, Nada  Dehneh, and Mazen Rajab, High – sensitive C-Reactive Protein Levels in a Group of Syrian

       University Male Students and Its Associations with Smoking , Physical Activity , Anthropometric  Measurements ,

       and     Some Hematologic Inflammation Biomarkers .International Journal of Inflammation (2017), Article ID   

       7326527,11 pages.