Dr. Sameer Jafar

Dr. Sameer Jafar

Ph.D in Inforamics - Systems and logicielles - joseph Fourier University in Grenoble / France 2006

1. Samir Jafar, Axel Krings and Thierry Gautier, "Flexible Rollback Recovery in Dynamic Heterogeneous Grid Computing", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, (IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 6(1): 32-44) 2009.

2. Xavier Besseron, Laurent Pigeon, Thierry Gautier, Samir Jafar, “Un protocole de sauvegarde/reprise coordonné pour les applications à flot de données reconfigurables”. Technique et Science Informatiques 27(3-4): 395-425 (2008).

3. Samir Jafar, Laurent Pigeon, Thierry Gautier and Jean-Louis Roch. "Self-adaptation of parallel applications in heterogeneous and dynamic architectures". In ICCTA'06 IEEE Conference on Information&Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications. Damascus, Syria, april 2006.

4. Xavier Besseron, Samir Jafar, Thierry Gautier and Jean-Louis Roch. "CCK : An improved coordinated checkpoint/rollback protocol for dataflow applications in KAAPI". In ICCTA'06 IEEE Conference on Information&Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications. Damascus, Syria, april 2006.

5. Samir Jafar, Thierry Gautier, Axel W. Krings, and Jean-Louis Roch. "A Checkpoint/Recovery Model for Heterogeneous Dataflow Computations Using Work-Stealing". to appear in Proc. (LNCS) EUROPAR2005. August 30 - Sept. 2, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (31% d'acceptation)

6. Samir Jafar, Axel W. Krings, Thierry Gautier, and Jean-Louis Roch. "Theft-Induced Checkpointing for Reconfigurable Dataflow Applications. in Proc. IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference EIT2005. May 22-25, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2005, U.S.A. (This paper received the EIT'05 Best Paper Award).

7. Axel Krings, Jean-Louis Roch and Samir Jafar. "Certification of Large Distributed Computations with Task Dependencies in Hostile Environments". in Proc. IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference EIT2005. May 22-25, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2005, U.S.A.

8. Axel Krings, Jean-Louis Roch, Samir Jafar and Sebastien Varrette. "A Probabilistic Approach for Task and Result Certification of Large-scale Distributed Applications in Hostile Environments". Proc. European Grid Conference (EGC2005), in LNCS 3470, © Springer Verlag, February 14-16, 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (40% d'acceptation)

9. Samir Jafar, Sébastien Varrette and Jean-Louis Roch. "Using Data-Flow Analysis for Resilience and Result Checking in Peer-to-Peer Computations". In IEEE DEXA'2004 - Workshop GLOBE'04: Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems. Zaragoza, Spain, august 2004.

10. Samir Jafar, Thierry Gautier et Jean-Louis Roch. "Modèle de Coût Algorithmique Intégrant des Mécanismes de Tolérance aux Pannes et expérimentations". Actes des 16èmes rencontres francophones du parallélisme, RENPAR'16. Du 6 au 8 Avril 2005. Pages 125--136. Le Croisic, France. (50% d'acceptation)

11. Xavier Besseron, Laurent Pigeon, Thierry Gautier and Samir Jafar. "Un protocole de sauvegarde / reprise coordonné pour les applications à flot de données reconfigurables".. In SympA'2006 (Canet en Roussillon, France, Octobre 2006).

12. Abdelaziz Djerrah, Samir Jafar, Van-Dat Cung and Hahn Peter. "Solving QAP on cluster with a bound of reformulation linearization techniques". To appear in the 17th IMACS World Congress Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation IMACS2005. Paris, France, July 11 - 15, 2005.

13. Samir Jafar and Jean-Louis Roch. "Fault-Tolerance for Macro Data-Flow Parallel Computations on Grid". In ICCTA'04 IEEE Conference on Information&Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications. Damascus, Syria, april 2004.
14. Dominique Decouchant and Ana Maria Martinez Enriquez and Jesus Favela and Alberto L. Morin and Sonia Mendoza and Samir Jafar. "A Distributed Event Service for Adaptive Group Awareness". Proceedings of the Second Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2002, pages 506--515, Springer-Verlag.