أ. د. محي الدين جمعه


أ. د. محي الدين جمعه

1980- Present: Professor for Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology- Faculty of Pharmacy – Damascus University
1975-1980: Associate Professor for clinical chemistry
1971-1975: Assistant Professor
1969-1971: Assistant Professor - BOCHUM University – Germany
Director of scientific research
Professor in Fac.of pharmacy AIU
Director of scientific pharmaceutical research.

1992 – Present: Director: Section of Biochemistry and Clinical chemistry. Faculty of Pharmacy -University of Damascus
1983 – 1992: Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology.
1994-1999: Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Pathological Chemistry. University of Applied Sciences- Faculty of Pharmacy. Amman-JORDAN:
2000-20001: Professor of Pathological chemistry. University of Sciences and Technology. Irbid-JORDAN
دكتوراه في الكيمياء الحيوية والكيمياء السريرية
المنشورات العلمية

1) S.W. Akkad, M. Jouma, H.A. Dresel Lipid peroxides and atherosclerosis
Med. J. of Damascus University (1995)

2) A. Verogoppoulos, H.A. Dresel, H. Schuster, R. Joubran, T. Bajari, M. Jouma. A xanthomatosis Susceptibility gene may exist in a Syrian family with familial Hypercholesterolemia European J.Hum.Genetic 1997; 5:315-323.

3) F. Al-Quobaili, M. Jouma, A.E. Kulozik. A 290-Base pair deletion in the beta-globin gene causing B-thalassaemia in Syria. Medical Principles Pract 1997 6:167-17o.

4) R. Hallak, M. Jouma, M. Montenarh Detection of tumor suppressor Gene P53 mutation : comparative study between colorectal and pancreatic carcinoma.
Journal of medical sciences association of Arab Universities 1998 vol. 1-no2

5) H. Kateb, M. Jouma, W. Zarzour, M. Shamyeh.Coronary risk factors of angiographically assessed patients Journal of cardiovascular risk 1998 (5) 31-35.